  • 中央政府(部會)
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  • 火災


Using Safe Fuel Source for Hot Smoke Test to Verify Smoke Management System with Performance-based Fire Safety Designs


Fast, Simple, and Safe Hot Smoke Testing for Smoke Management System

CNS 15937「煙控系統性能現場試驗法-熱煙試驗」,其熱煙之產生方式,乃以發煙器配合甲醇燃燒盤,由於甲醇具有一定的毒性,在使用中如果誤入口、眼,將對實驗人員造成嚴重傷害,燃燒時產生的甲醛及甲酸也對健康不利,同時甲醇燃燒過程如發生泄漏或傾覆意外情況,引發火勢蔓延,導致事故;此外,甲醇池火的功率主要由其面積決定,一定面積的池火對應一定的火源功率,火源功率無法連續可調,若需要多個不同功率的火源,則需要製作相應個數不同面積的甲醇燃燒盤,在使用、攜帶均不方便;燃燒過程也難以控制,若加入的燃料量較少,則可能難以保證足夠的燃燒時間,若加入過量,則在已達到試驗目的時又無法將其中途熄滅,在控制方面無法依所須之火災成長調整,在發生意外時無法及時滅火。設計試驗火災具有挑戰性,因為如何進行局部火災來檢驗構件性能的指引有限。關於模擬區劃火災中結構的可用試驗數據,對於研究火災結構的性能很有價值,但對於設計可控及可量測的火災之實驗室試驗幾乎沒有提供任何資訊,因為之前的結構火災試驗很少量測最重要的火災參數 - 熱釋放率。本所近年進行實尺寸鋼構屋火災實驗係以木堆為火源,即以火載量概念,然而木堆燃燒易受木材含水率以及材料非均質性影響,每次燃燒成長歷程皆不同,影響結構行為之研究與分析,且無法依設計火災成長控制,對於構件性能亦無法直接量測。本技術開發依設計火災情境控制火源成長歷程,供進行局部火災量測構架之構件性能量測,並可轉換以供熱煙試驗之兩用火源產生與控制機置。

In recent years, our institute has used timber cribs as the fuel source of full-scale fire tests on steel structures to calculate fire load. However, inconsistent moisture content levels and heterogeneity of wood cribs lead to different fire growth patterns in each combustion process, making it hard to maintain fire growth patterns of design fire scenarios. In addition, the analysis of structural behaviors is complicated because the fire resistance rate of building elements cannot be measured directly. In light of this, fuel source production and control mechanisms have been established. Such mechanisms allow the maintenance of fire growth patterns of design fire scenarios and the facilitation of fast, simple, and safe hot smoke testing for smoke control systems.


The Competent Authority


Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior
